Complex spraying lines with transport

They are the element of highly efficient production lines and they ALWAYS are designed as a result of detailed arrangements with the potential user. They most often contain of: Spray Booth + Evaporation Booth + Bake Booth and Transport System /depending on needs - floor or suspended, manual or automatic, circulation or Power&Free type/.

Solutions of this type are applicable everywhere where big quantities of relatively uniform obiects are to be painted, in places where use of mechanical transport systems is possible. They reduce the number of employed persons and enable the robotization of performed operations by using automatic systems.




Since 2008 continuously we participate in the  Reliable Company program  and we may provide  informations confirming our credibility. Since 2013 our activity is based on the quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard - the number of our certificate is : 12 100 45513 TMS.
Astherm Sp. z o.o.

05-540 Ustanów, Polska
ul. Sadowa 10

KRS: 0000232042
NIP: 123-10-48-349
Nr konta: 09 1910 1048 2787 7758 1378 0001