Booth wall insulation

According to the standard norm adopted by our country on 30th of June, 2005, concerning ensuring the minimal safety conditions of combined spray-bake booths - flammable materials cannot be used as an insulation. The rockwool is the only insulating material fulfilling the requiring the A1 non-combustibility class , and our company use this material as the insulation.

In structures designed by ASTHERM we use special pressed wool of high density, supplied by a renowned ROCKWOOL company. The insulation thickness is 60 mm in our climatic conditions and as the standard option.


Since 2008 continuously we participate in the  Reliable Company program  and we may provide  informations confirming our credibility. Since 2013 our activity is based on the quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard - the number of our certificate is : 12 100 45513 TMS.
Astherm Sp. z o.o.

05-540 Ustanów, Polska
ul. Sadowa 10

KRS: 0000232042
NIP: 123-10-48-349
Nr konta: 09 1910 1048 2787 7758 1378 0001