Booth base

It is worth to be aware, that only making proper concrete channels of the appropriate depth /so-called 'pit' / guarantees the linear, vertical air downflow. The airflow 'sweeps' around painted object, effectively taking away the overspray and noxious vapours from the front of eyes and the face of the worker.

In practice, the foundation of the booth is made on so-called metal base sometimes, but it is only a substitute solution, enabling to install the booth if due to technical difficulties the making a proper pit is not possible /e.g. the floor, installations beneath the floor/.

An installation of side exhaust channels is the other option. The booth is then based on the floor on the zero level and there is no need to perform any trenching. However on account of flaws in such a solution, we apply them on strict demand of the Investor, after his understanding and approval of worsening working conditions of the painter.


Since 2008 continuously we participate in the  Reliable Company program  and we may provide  informations confirming our credibility. Since 2013 our activity is based on the quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard - the number of our certificate is : 12 100 45513 TMS.
Astherm Sp. z o.o.

05-540 Ustanów, Polska
ul. Sadowa 10

KRS: 0000232042
NIP: 123-10-48-349
Nr konta: 09 1910 1048 2787 7758 1378 0001